1. All entrants must be registered companies in the UK.
2. Entries must be commercial production runs and must have been printed or produced since 1 October 2023. We appreciate that in the Data-driven Printer category it may not be possible to supply a live sample as this may contain sensitive information - a sample copy is acceptable in these instances.
3. The entering companies must have been trading solvently since 1 October 2022.
4. The entered campaign MUST include a significant print element, a sample of which must be supplied. However, additional elements, print or digital, may optionally also be included to demonstrate the breadth if the project.
5. Confidentiality: all material will remain confidential to the judges, but winning case studies may be written up and published in Printweek based on the material provided. However, entrants can mark sensitive information in their entries ‘Not for publication’ – but these sections must be very clearly marked or highlighted in the submission.
6. Please submit your 500-word summary for the project being entered and remember to mention any further documents that you will be uploading. Please do not add your company name or logo on the documents.
7. Please Note: Entries without a 500-word summary or example of the print element of the project will be disqualified.
8. You may enter as many different categories as you wish, however, you may only enter the same category once.
9. Samples entered into the Data-driven Printer of the Year category may also be entered into the Innovation of the Year category, but please note there are differing entry requirements.
10. All entries into the Data-driven Printer and Quality Award categories must be commercial jobs. A business cannot enter self-promotional work. Samples produced purely to promote the print business’s own products or services will be disqualified and the entry marked down.
11. Any entry that does not comply with any of the category criteria may be disqualified and the entry fee will not be refunded.
12. The judging panel chair’s decision is final and while feedback will be given if possible when requested, discussions regarding results and individual scores will not be entered into.